Cataract surgery in bangalore | Manjunatha Nethralaya Traumatic cataract surgery in T. Dasarahalli | Manjunatha Nethralaya




The most common cause of blindness due to aging and many other associated diseases. It includes a series of conditions that causes either partial or complete blindness due to the opacity of the lens. The listing of below types of cataract gives a glimpse of the conditions and may be easily related to respective diseases.

Cataract is most commonly presented as blurring of vision and most of the times, the patient get back their vision with proper medical / surgical intervention.

They are most commonly age related and sometimes due to injury. The corrective treatment is most commonly practiced procedure and hence the outcome is really good, in an ideal case.

Any practicing ophthalmologist should be able to treat effectively and have very minimal side effects, based on the patients physical & existing clinical conditions.

Treatment Option

  • Phacoemulsification:- Phacoemulsification is a modern-day cataract surgery that employs ultrasound energy to emulsify the nucleus, vacuum to catch the nuclear material, and irrigation and aspiration for cortex and viscoelastic removal. A typical phaco machine consists of a handpiece, foot pedal, irrigation, and aspiration system.

  • Small incision cataract surgery

  • Lensectomy

A full blown cataract wherein the lens is 100% opaque and will have complete loss of vision (treatable). This may be the effect of long standing or ignored condition leading to complete & mature cataract. This can affect anybody and not just because of old age.

An immature cataract is a stage where the patient still has vision but blurred. It may end up in mature cataract if no precaution is taken. When observed with naked eye, one can make out this condition and can seek opthalmologist opinion.

Cataract, due to a blunt injury is traumatic cataract. The trauma can be of any nature but over a period of time, the lens becomes opaque simulating an immature cataract.

The lens will be suspended by ciliary muscles and a tear or weakness may have dislodged the lens that can be obviously seen. The condition will have unique symptoms and causes impaired vision due to differential flow of light directly and through the subluxated lens.

Cataract due to any kind of injury, trauma can be any nature lens
become opaque and Vision becomes blurred.

Due to other eye diseases and long-term medication.

Cataract Management

Where tiny incision around 2 mm is made and cataract is removed and foldable.
Intraocular lens is implanted under topical anaesthesia.

It is a manual cataract surgery where bigger incision around 6MM is created on the eye to remove the cataract and implant intraocular lens under local anaesthesia.

Intraocular lens

It corrects distance eyesight. Only. You may need reading less for near.

Corrects distance and intermediate.

It corrects both distance, near and intermediate.

Cataract Management (Children)

Which is present from birth or develop later on.Cataract formation in children is usually genetic cause. It can also happen due to trauma which is very common in childhood management differs as compare to adults.

Will be performed under general anaesthesia.