Glaucoma surgery in bangalore | Manjunatha Nethralaya




An eye condition that is due to increase (mostly) or decrease in pressure exerted by the fluid within the eye ball. The increased pressure creates some collateral damages to the adjacent structure and the symptoms varies depending on the structures that are involved.

This condition is relatively more among people with Hypertensive disorder and can be controlled through proper medication and interventions.

There will be no obvious external deformity or any visual signs of this condition. But the patient will have specific symptoms of this serious disease. The symptoms will be extreme in nature and invariably end up seeking doctors consultation.

It is very important to find the exact reason, as there are many. Once this is identified, managing is very simple.

What is Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a common eye condition in which vision is lost because of damage the optive nerve.The optic nerve caarries information about vision from the eye to the brain.In most cases,the optic nerve is damaged when the pressure of fluid inside the front part of the eye rises.However,glaucoma-related eye damage can occur even when the fluid pressure is normal.

Types of Glaucoma

In the most common form of glaucoma, called Open Angle Glaucoma: pressure tends to rise slowly over time. Patients present late in the disease. Gradual loss of vision is only the complaint. Aless common form of the disease, called Closed Angle Glaucoma, develops suddenly and usually causes eye pain and redness. In addition, there are rarer forms of glaucoma. They may be related to eye defects that develop before birth (congenital glaucoma) or to eye injuries, eye tumors or medical problems such as diabetes. In some cases, medications, such as corticosteroids, also can trigger glaucoma.

Risk Factors for Glaucoma

  • Age 40 and older

  • Family History of Glaucoma

  • High Minus Number

  • Have Diabetes,hypertension or heart disease

  • Have high intraocular pressure(IOP)

  • Experience eye pain due to previous surgery


Although open angle glaucoma and closed angle glaucoma.Both can cause blindness, their symptoms are very different.

Treatment or Management

Treatment if Open Angle Glaucoma usally begins with prescription eye drops.These medicines lower pressure inside the eye.

Treatment of Closed Angle Glaucoma usally beigns with laser procedure.Laser procedure may not lower eye pressure to acceptable levels.You may need to start glaucoma eye drops after laser. If both medication and laser surgery are unsuccessful,Trabeculectomy eye surgery may be necessary to make a new opening for fluid to leave the eye.Eye surgeons perform this procedure in the operating room.Intravenous medication is given to help relax. Numbing medication is applied on and around the eye.The surgeon created a new opening to imporve fluid drainage from the eye.With both types of glaucoma surgery,eye pressure almost always decreases.But the pressure might not be low enough.You may need repeat surgery and/or need to continue long term use of glaucoma eye drops.


Open Angle Glaucoma

In this form of glaucoma, vision is lost painlessly and so gradually that most people do not realize they have a problem until substantial damage has occurred.


Closed Angle Glaucoma

Symptoms of acute glaucoma occur suddenly and can include blurred vision, pain and redness in the eye, severe headache, halos around lights at night.



Everyone under 40 years should have an eye examination atleast once in four years and after 40 at least once in 2.