Squint correction in bangalore | Manjunatha Nethralaya




An obvious condition that cannot be missed by the general public. The eye ball of one or both the eyes are not aligned to one focus point causing obvious cosmetic impairment.

The condition is most common and is easily identified. It is of importance for cosmetic purpose and has best outcome. The corrective procedure is very safe and is one of the easiest skill to perform.


Kids Eye Care

Medical terminology is Pediatric Ophthalmology. Children are the victims of many refractive errors due to either their life style or because of some systemic diseases. There are many systemic diseases that has implications on the eye and all these comes under peadiatric opthalmology.

It is always advisable to seek doctors consultation at the earliest. You as a parent should discuss with the kids class teacher for any vision related problems that the kid faces compared to the other children.

At the same time as a parent, one should observe their kids movements and any challenges that they face in their vision.

The kids with these conditions are well manageable but the key concern is to identify at the earliest