Oculoplasty in bangalore | Manjunatha Nethralaya




Physical anomalies or deformities of the eyes within the orbit (eye socket) can be termed as ocular anomalies. Correcting for cosmetic reason through surgeries is termed as Oculoplasty. The deformities can be for eyelids, tear ducts and to some extent the face. Oculoplasty is the science of reconstructing the eye and associated structures

Tumors, both cancerous and non-cancerous will deform the eye and the structures within the eye socket. Hence management of cancer would be in conjunction with oculoplasty.

Lid Malpositions

Similar to this image, but the eye lid rolls outside. As the lid sags outward, the inner eye is will be exposed to dust, air and hence causing excessive tearing and irritation.

A condition wherein the eyelid (lower) rolls inside and rubs the eye ball. The eye lashes sometime irritates the eyes causing uncomfortable to the patient.

It is a condition wherein the upper eyelid droops and covers some part of the cornea. As the day proceeds, the condition may increase because of weakness.

Lid Tumours

A growth on the eyelid – either cancerous or non-cancerous form deformity of the eye lid. The extent of the disease is based on the type of tumor..



Is a rare cancerous tumor affecting the retina seen mostly among children of all age group. This is highly malignant and needs to be managed at the earliest.


Thyroid Eye diseases

Eye manifestation of the Thyroid condition. The classical condition is an exophthalmos wherein the eye ball protrude out of the socket.
